Dimensions: 4001 x 60 ft. / 1220 x 18 m

Surface: asphalt, in EXCELLENT condition

Weight bearing capacity: Single wheel 12.5:

Runway edge lights: medium intensity


Latitude: 32-44.202417N

Longitude: 095-29.802983W

Elevation: 433.0 ft.


Traffic pattern: left

Runway heading: 356 magnetic, 002 true

Markings: nonprecision, in good condition

Visual slope indicator:

Touchdown Point:

Obstructions: 15 ft. trees, 350 ft. from runway, 225 ft. right of centerline, 10:1 slope to clear


Latitude: 32-44.861670N

Longitude: 095-29.772547W

Elevation: 402.5 ft.

Gradient: 0.8% UP

Traffic pattern: left

Runway heading: 176 magnetic, 182 true

Markings: nonprecision, in good condition

Visual slope indicator: 2-light PAPI on left (3.00 degrees glide path)

Touchdown Point: yes, no lights

Obstructions: 58 ft. trees, 1653 ft. from runway, 25:1 slope to clear